Sunday, September 21, 2008

Been there done that

Been there done that.

Stolen glances,
first flush of adrenaline,
doodles during history lecture.

Sleepless nights,
first attempt at verse,
profession of love
and the wait.

Next day in school,
more stolen glances,
a shy smile.

Attempts at conversation,
eyes meet
a thousand words spoken
smile responds.

Stolen moments,
the first movie,
first rain,
adrenaline all the way,
and the inevitable-
the first kiss.
Sweetness redefined.
Hearts beat synchronously.
Life is beautiful.

Then the day,
end of school,
tears galore,
promises made over and over.

Paths separate,
lives separate
never to meet again.

Much is forgotten now
even faces are blurred.
Two things remain.
A page in the diary
and sweet nothings
of something there was.


Anonymous said...

Oooh... nice!

Loved this. :)

Puranjoy said...

beautiful beautiful.

keep them coming. even though i am bored of the sweetness, i know one of these days i will be quoting them. heh, will make for good conversation!

Sayari De said...

Sounded so real .. was trying to figure out who the lucky chap was...:)

bornfree said...

@lost in transit

How do u know its not real ?? ;) U think I tell u everything? :P

Soumya Bhattacharya said...

this one seems like actually not on a single experience......... looks like a composite effect........ am I right?.....